So as kids, we were always pretending to be the Beatles. And, if you were going to be a Beatle there was only one choice- John Lennon. That’s how we rolled in Avenel.
Unfortunately, I lost to Donald Mason for that honor when the original photo of this drawing was taken. From left to right, it’s my sister, Lisa, Donald, me, and Donna McCullough. Donald won the odds-or-evens match for the right to be Lennon in this pose. But, little did he know that in my mind I was still John (no offense, Paul). Any eagle-eyed viewer might say, ‘Bullshit, you’re definitely Paul, you’re holding your air guitar lefty-style like McCartney!’ To him I say, I was a left-handed 8-year-old. Go suck it.
I was the walrus.